
Fisheries Management & Research | Oceanwatch Australia

Fisheries Management & Research


The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is responsible for the day-to-day management and compliance of Commonwealth fisheries.

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) conducts research that is used to support fishery management decisions and regulate commercial fishing in Commonwealth fisheries. Extensive and accurate scientific research assessments from AFMA's marine environment experts helps to keep our fish stocks sustainable.


Australian Capital Territory

Conservation Research (CR) within the Environment and Planning Directorate (EPD) manages fish stocks in the ACT for the ACT Government.

Conservation Research (CR) within the Environment and Planning Directorate (EPD) undertakes fisheries research in the ACT and has a program to investigate the distribution and abundance of fish species in the Territory. CR conducts regular monitoring of recreational fish stocks in Canberra's urban lakes.

New South Wales

The Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries NSW manages Commercial, Recreational, and Aboriginal fishing activities and Aquaculture in NSW. The NSW DPI also has a role in the management of fisheries habitat, protection of threatened and protected species, and managing the movement and impacts of pests and diseases.

The Department of Primary Industries - Fisheries NSW undertakes and facilitates research on aquatic animals and plants, and their habitats and ecosystems to ensure management receive the best scientific advice to make informed decisions.

Northern Territory

AFMA is involved in the management of several Northern Territory fisheries via joint authority arrangements. In the Northern Territory, Aboriginal people use customary management practices to ensure the sustainability of their resources.

The Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries fisheries research team provides scientific advice on the status of aquatic resources in the Northern Territory (NT). The team participates in a wide variety of research programs, collaborating with regional, national and international partners.


The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries – Queensland (DAF) manages Commercial, Recreational, and Aquaculture in Queensland. The DAF also has a role in the management of fisheries habitat, protection of threatened and protected species, and managing the movement and impacts of pests and diseases.

Fisheries and aquaculture research in Queensland helps to support sustainable and profitable fisheries and aquaculture sectors. This is achieved through innovative research conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, in collaboration with other scientific organisations and industry.

South Australia

Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) is the government agency responsible for the ecologically sustainable development of South Australia’s aquatic resources. This includes the management of commercial, recreational and customary fishing and aquaculture in South Australia.

The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) Fisheries Science Program provides scientific advice to State and Commonwealth Governments about the sustainable management of Australia’s fisheries resources.


Sustainable fisheries management of Tasmania’s commercial, aquaculture and recreational fisheries is the responsibility of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE).

The University of Tasmania (UTAS) – Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) fisheries research programs support the long-term sustainable harvest of wild marine resources for Tasmanian and Antarctic fisheries. Aquaculture research aims to deliver significant increases in production whilst minimising environmental impacts.


Fisheries Victoria manages the State’s fisheries resources by developing and implementing policies and projects and delivering a wide range of services.

The Fisheries Management and Science Branch, within Fisheries Victoria, provides scientific information and advice which is critical to the sustainable management of aquatic resources.

The Victorian State Government conducts fisheries science projects to help guide decisions on management, policy and compliance relating to Victoria's fisheries. This information is used to assess the sustainability of fish stocks to develop and sustain fisheries.

Western Australia

Sustainable fisheries management in Western Australia is the responsibility of the Department of Fisheries, this includes, commercial, customary and recreational fisheries and aquaculture. Western Australia fisheries are managed through a series of legislated plans, regulations, orders and licence conditions.

Comprehensive and dynamic research programs are undertaken by the Department of Fisheries Western Australia. Projects are often carried out in partnership with other research organisations, such as the CSIRO, or universities. Scientific findings are used to provide objective advice to support the management, conservation and sustainable use of Western Australia’s aquatic resources.

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