
practice | Oceanwatch Australia


World Fisheries Day 2021

By simonrowe | 21/11/2021

As we celebrate World Fisheries Day this year, OceanWatch wishes to recognise all the incredible professional fishers who have supported our work over the past year.  Their commitment to the OceanWatch vision of a healthy, productive, valued and responsibly used Australian marine environment has been invaluable. The NSW Abalone and Sea Urchin and Turban Shell […]

East Coast Whale Entanglement Mitigation Program

By simonrowe | 19/12/2019

As Humpback whale populations in the southern hemisphere recover from past commercial whaling, the potential for interactions between whales and commercial fishing operations is increasing, with most entanglements occurring since 2006. The majority of entanglement incidents involve Humpback whales, a species listed as Vulnerable under the Commonwealth EPBC Act and NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. […]

SIA Launches ‘Our Pledge’

By simonrowe | 07/11/2019

Seafood Industry Australia officially launched ‘Our Pledge’on the 24th of October. ’Our Pledge’ is the Australian seafood industries’ commitment to the community, and to each other, that they will do the right thing to ensure a vibrant future for the sector, and keep putting the best Australian seafood on the table now and for generations […]

Tales of a Trapman – A sustainable fishing narrative

By simonrowe | 30/05/2018

The blue waters off the coast of New South Wales teem with marine life that support the livelihoods of professional fishers. For Jason Moyce or Trapman as some know him, it has been a way of life for the last 30 years. Saltwater runs deep in the veins of the Moyce family as his father […]

Everybody is responsible for healthy oceans #OceanPledge

By simonrowe | 21/11/2017

With our natural resources facing increasing pressure the task of keeping our oceans, waterways and habitats healthy is an ongoing issue. Whilst some environmental drives seek to highlight an important issue they can in the process distance or vilify other key stakeholders that have an important role to play in the responsible use of the […]

Recreational Fishermen please spare the lawn mowers of the reef!

By simonrowe | 04/05/2017

There’s nothing better than getting together with your mates or rocking a solo fishing expedition however, this week the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is asking recreational fishermen to spare the friendly herbivores of the seas. What do you mean by herbivores of the sea is that a real thing? Yes! The following species […]

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