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Best Practice Handling of TEP species

Protected Species Handling Manual (2nd Edition) This handling manual provides practical suggestions for fishers who may have to handle protected or threatened species they may encounter during their fishing operations. A Handbook for Fishers The […]


Hoppers in Australian trawl fisheries Hoppers are a practical and efficient sorting device. Sorting the catch is quicker and easier and hoppers keep the target product and bycatch in better condition as they are held […]

Buying Seafood

What to look for when buying seafood When purchasing whole fish: Bright and lustrous skin or scales Firm flesh that springs back when touched Bright pink-red gills Pleasant fresh sea smell. When purchasing fillets and […]

Cooking Seafood

Cooking Seafood Most species lend themselves to a wide variety of cooking styles. With a little guidance, seafood is one of the easiest foods to cook – so feel free to experiment….and enjoy! Select a […]

Storing Seafood

Storing Seafood Seafood begins to deteriorate as soon as it is caught and killed, this is irreversible during storage. We can’t stop product from deteriorating, but we can control the rate that product deteriorates. Freshly […]

Standard Fish Names

Standard Fish Names Australia has over 5000 native species of fish, and many more crustaceans and molluscs. Several hundred of these species are important commercially, and many others support recreational activities such as fishing and […]

Status of Australia’s Fish Stocks

Status of Australia’s Fish Stocks Australia’s managers and fishers continue to work for the long term sustainability of our fisheries resources. Status of Key Australian Australian Fish Stocks Report The Status of Key Australian Fish […]

Seafood and Your Health

Seafood and Your Health “The evidence is now largely unequivocal that some fish each week is an advantage to health and longevity” Australians are encouraged to eat two to three serves of seafood each week. […]

Indigenous and cultural fishing

Indigenous and cultural fishing “Indigenous people still relate to land that was inundated by sea during the last ice age and regard it as their own.” Indigenous information passed down from generation to generation and […]


Understanding Barotrauma Fish that are rapidly retrieved from depths greater than 10 metres do not have time to adjust to water pressure changes, resulting in the expansion of gases in the swim bladder and other […]

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