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Is wave energy conversion the future of Australia’s coastal towns?

With 85% of Australia’s population living on coastal strips around the country, our energy needs are putting more and more pressure on coastal habitat areas. Coastal population growth exerts pressure on coastal land increasing need […]

New reef trials installed in estuaries around NSW

Fish hotels in the form of Oyster shell in Coir fibre bags have been installed in key estuary locations around NSW. These structures will be key to providing erosion control and fish habitat restoration in […]

The United Nations held an Ocean Conference and here is what happened

In June, the United Nations hosted its first large conference on saving and protecting the worlds oceans. The Ocean Conference, began Monday, June 5 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York coinciding with World […]

360 degree view of the sea in your own home

If a Starfish slips off a rock in the middle of the ocean and no one is there to see it did it really happen? The answer YES because the Seaview team have made 360 […]

Commercial fishers LED lights saving fish – A breakthrough in conservation

Sometimes the most difficult conundrums can have simplistic solutions. Fishermen in the Pacific Northwest are proving they can be harvesters and conservationists, over the years shrimp nets accidentally captured large amounts of threatened little fish, […]

Why do we need more oyster reefs? And what are they anyway?

Shellfish reefs may not be great to step on or to look at but these reefs have just as much to offer as their beautiful coral reef counter parts. Shellfish reefs made up of oysters […]

The end of an era, but a lifetime of legacy

There are all kinds of opportunities in life and sometimes those opportunities allow us to make an amazing impact in local communities and support those who need specialist guidance. That is why our Executive Director […]

Remember when the houses fell into the sea in Sydney?

Last year in June 2016 a massive king tide threatened property from Maroubra to Narrabeen on a stormy Monday evening, the following day owners struggled to come to terms with damage to their homes and […]

2 years later plastic wrapped vegetables line the shelves

Everyone has been in the situation at the supermarket where they see a totally un-necessary form of plastic packaging. Maybe you caught a glimpse of avocados and bananas wrapped in plastic or cookies individually wrapped […]

Is plastic consumption a consumer choice? Or is pollution a design choice?

Everyone has been in the situation at the supermarket where they see a totally un-necessary form of plastic packaging. Maybe you caught a glimpse of avocados and bananas wrapped in plastic or cookies individually wrapped […]

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