
Historic NRM moment | Oceanwatch Australia

Historic NRM moment

At the recent NRM Regions Australia Meeting of the Chairs’ in Darwin, an update of the MOU was signed by Peter Bridgewater, Chair and a co-signer of the National Landcare Network on behalf of NRM Regions Australia.

NRM Regions Australia is the representative group of the National NRM Chairs’ Forum and responsible for progressing business between annual Forum meetings, of which OceanWatch is a member.

The National Landcare Network (NLN) was formed to be a representative voice for the tens of thousands of Australians who freely give their time to care for our lands and waters. It is run by a Board and an advisory council, both of which are made up of volunteers from across the country.

Since its inception the NLN has become a major partner for NRM Regions Australia, and the MOU is to frame and formally acknowledge the important relationship between the two organisations and to outline a collaborative process into the future.
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