
Professional fisherman takes an #OceanPledge | Oceanwatch Australia

Professional fisherman takes an #OceanPledge

Ocean sustainability has fast become one of the most important issues of the century and we are all responsible for the health of our oceans, which is why we are pleased to have Paul Aquilina a professional Australian fisherman on board to take his #OceanPledge.

Paul is serious about caring for the local area he fishes, mainly in the Hawkesbury River and its tributaries. He feels strongly about it’s sustainability and after completing his Master Fisherman Course for sustainable fishing practices he has now taken more steps forward to care for our oceans and waterways through his #OceanPledge.

Paul’s pledge has him committed to reducing his water and waste use and reporting pollution in marine areas. Unfortunately the waters Paul fishes have become host to marine plastics and general waste, but that hasn’t stopped Paul being pro-active, he has purchased a landing net to scoop out beer bottles, bait bags and whatever else floats down the river, something that he has been doing since he was a kid and into his adult life.

It’s re-assuring to know that young people like Paul exist and will continue to care for our local environment.

Inspired by Paul? Take your #OceanPledge here today!

You can follow Paul on his Instagram account here @nipper_eel_boy

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