
Enforceable Undertaking | Oceanwatch Australia

Enforceable Undertaking

OceanWatch found and negotiated a solution to help fish habitats in Port Macquarie, funded by an enforceable undertaking offence.

In accordance with an Enforceable Undertaking between Birdon Pty Ltd and the NSW EPA dated 16 August 2018, Birdon paid $36,724 to OceanWatch for fencing projects described within the Enforceable Undertaking which is transparently placed on public display. The process is open and allows the guilty party to recompense a local project in need which is an alternative form of applying the funds to that of being paid into a treasury pool.
OceanWatch sourced suitable sites, approached landholders and commissioned the installation of appropriate fencing connected to establish Voluntary Land Management Agreements. These agreements cover landholders’ responsibilities to maintain stock exclusion fencing and grazing conditions in favour of the protected Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) species in line with the intent of Part 7 of the NSW Fisheries Management Act.
In total, 830 m of cattle fencing was installed with an additional 415m installed in-kind. This excluded stock from a total of 17.53 Ha of estuarine wetland under two voluntary land management agreements. OceanWatch is responsible for monitoring compliance until 2024. A win for many from an unfortunate illegal act.
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