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Mobile app launched to protect Australian fisheries and aquaculture

Australia’s fishing industry is valued at $2.8 billion and support jobs, regional communities and food security. We think that that is something worth protecting and this new innovation that is aimed at protecting Australia’s Aquaculture and wild catch fisheries. The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has launched a mobile application that will potentially strengthen

Mobile app launched to protect Australian fisheries and aquaculture Read More »

Mesmorizing tidal bores

These are some insane tidal bore waves in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. This video was posted to the Facebook page, Fishing Australia TV. “35 kilometer-per-hour tides, 40-foot standing waves,800-meter whirlpools that are 100 feet deep,” states Fishing Australia on its page. A tidal bore is a rare natural phenomenon in which an incoming

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Recreational Fishermen please spare the lawn mowers of the reef!

There’s nothing better than getting together with your mates or rocking a solo fishing expedition however, this week the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is asking recreational fishermen to spare the friendly herbivores of the seas. What do you mean by herbivores of the sea is that a real thing? Yes! The following species

Recreational Fishermen please spare the lawn mowers of the reef! Read More »

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