
simonrowe | Oceanwatch Australia


Recreational Fishermen please spare the lawn mowers of the reef!

There’s nothing better than getting together with your mates or rocking a solo fishing expedition however, this week the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is asking recreational fishermen to spare the friendly herbivores of the seas. What do you mean by herbivores of the sea is that a real thing? Yes! The following species

Recreational Fishermen please spare the lawn mowers of the reef! Read More »

Sydney’s ocean loving Chinese take on marine conservation role

Marine conservation is a complex topic which can be made more complicated by language barriers. That’s why Sydney’s Chinese community have been rolling up their sleeves for the past year to encourage better stewardship and conservation of the local marine environment, under the Aquatic Champion program rolled out by Greater Sydney Local Land Services. Through

Sydney’s ocean loving Chinese take on marine conservation role Read More »

What are the negative and positive impacts of flooding on the environment?

The current weather situation across Northern NSW and Tropical Queensland right now is by no means ideal.The aftermath of Cyclone Debbie and the torrential rain that ensued its path has been a test of locals and our Government Services Whilst flood events are devastating to humans they are a natural occurrence that can provide negative

What are the negative and positive impacts of flooding on the environment? Read More »

How can recreational fishers help stop the spread of White Spot Disease?

The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is implementing an expanded movement control zone to contain the spread of White Spot Disease that wiped out several prawn farms in South East Queensland. Recreational fishers are in a strong position to help stop the spread of this deadly disease through practice change below is a short

How can recreational fishers help stop the spread of White Spot Disease? Read More »

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