
simonrowe | Oceanwatch Australia


Fish Habitat Protection Protocol

A world-first Fish Habitat Protection Protocol Against Bushfires to safeguard the marine environment from future mega bushfire impacts. The devastating 2019-20 bushfires impacted everything, including the marine environment, as several worrying observations were made by residents and fishermen up and down the East Coast. However, the nature, scale and distribution of these marine impacts observed

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World Fisheries Day

  To celebrate World Fisheries Day, OceanWatch is showcasing  the OceanWatch Master Fisherman Program with the release of a new video. The OceanWatch Master Fisherman program is helping to recognise professional fishers for their efforts to raise the standard of responsible fishing in Australia. These fisherman showcase the drive for sustainability and environmental awareness in

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NSW Trawl Fishers endorse seabird friendly fishing practices

  Research has shown the NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery has minimal interactions with seabirds (read more here). To ensure the fishery remains seabird friendly into the future, NSW trawl fishers have worked with OceanWatch Australia and NSW DPI Fisheries to develop seabird management plans for individual vessels that describe a range of operational and physical measures

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World Ocean’s Day

June 8th is World Ocean’s Day; this year’s theme is “Innovation for a sustainable ocean”. The world’s oceans are essential for life on Earth, providing food, medicine, and important ecosystem services, as well as being a large source of the world’s biodiversity. These crucial ecosystems are threatened by anthropogenic influences so we must work together

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Compostable vs Biodegradable

It is very normal to get confused about the difference between compostable and biodegradable materials. While all compostable products are biodegradable, not all biodegradable products are compostable. The main differences are related to: their own production materials, how they decompose, and the residual elements after decomposition. Compostable products are made by organic elements or plants

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