
4 shocking facts about ocean plastic for #WorldOceansDay | Oceanwatch Australia

4 shocking facts about ocean plastic for #WorldOceansDay

It’s #WorldOceansDay today and here a 4 facts that will make you never use single use plastics again…..ever.


It takes three times more water to manufacture a plastic bottle than it does to fill it. The chemical production of plastics also means most of that water cannot be reused.Source: Pacific Institute.


Water bottles are made of completely recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics which are not biodegradable. Instead, they do something called ‘photodegrade’, which means they break down into smaller fragments over time. Those fragments absorb toxins which then pollute our waterways, contaminate our soil, and make livestock sick. Source: Natural Resources Defence Council


Plastic bottles and plastic bags are the most prevalent form of pollution found on our beaches and in our oceans. There are now more than 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in every square mile of the ocean. Source: Ocean Conservancy and United Nations Environment Program


It takes over 50 million barrels of oil every year to pump, process, transport and refrigerate our bottled water. That’s a huge amount of resources to be wasting on something we don’t even need! Source: Earth Policy Institute

So.. what are you waiting for take the pledge to remove plastics from your life!


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