
Why does aquaculture matter in NSW? | Oceanwatch Australia

Why does aquaculture matter in NSW?

With increasing demand for high quality seafood, aquaculture is a growing industry in NSW.

Aquaculture has been undertaken in a number of countries around the world and has grown rapidly worldwide in the last 50 years. FAO reports that world aquaculture production increased substantially since 1950 from one million tonnes production to 67 million tonnes in 2011-12. Projections by FAO estimate that in order to maintain the current level of per capita seafood consumption, worldwide aquaculture production will need to reach 82 million tonnes by 2050.


With such an important element of food security emerging for consumers and economic benefits for communities and individuals it is important to build a full picture of this industry and understand it’s future place within the economy.


Head researcher Kate Barclay from (UTS) was commissioned to undertake research to explore the social and economic contributions of aquaculture in NSW.

“Understanding the role played by farming oysters, prawns and fish in the social and economic lives of our coastal communities is vital,” said Associate Professor Barclay.

“How do communities benefit from productive sustainable oyster and prawn farms and from some of the new and emerging aquaculture ventures appearing in NSW? Our collaboration of social scientists and economists set out to answer those important questions.”

The full report can be accessed here. Below are key points compiled into and infographic.

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