
Fisheries Identification Improvement Program | Oceanwatch Australia

Fisheries Identification Improvement Program

Fisheries Identification Improvement Program for NSW offshore fisheries

OceanWatch Australia (OceanWatch), in partnership with the Professional Fisher’s Association (PFA) has implemented a fishery identification improvement program that will link strongly with Australian Marine Park values and strategies in the Ocean Trap & Line and Ocean Trawl fisheries. In 2019 an assessment of NSW offshore fisheries was conducted by a third-party auditor at the request of the PFA. The assessment was to benchmark NSW offshore fisheries against world’s best practice.

As a result, OceanWatch has developed an online tool to assist fishers with improving their data collection and reporting. The online video can be found below and compliments the ID Guide, which is available in hardcopy or can be downloaded below!

This Our Marine Parks Grants project received grant funding from the Australian Government.

We wish to acknowledge the NSW Offshore fishers for assisting with providing advice on the guide. We also acknowledge the support of the Australian Government and NSW Department of Primary Industries for funding and guidance, and imagery. This guide has been compiled by OceanWatch on behalf of the PFA.

If you wish for further information on the Fisheries Identification Improvement Program, please contact OceanWatch on

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