Get involved in citizen science | Oceanwatch Australia

Get involved in citizen science

Get involved in Citizen Science

Citizen science is a partnership between individuals and scientists for investigating pressing questions about the world.

By providing information to marine scientists, your data can help further our understanding of the marine environment and lead to better management decisions.

  • Redmap

    (Range Extension Database & Mapping project) invites the Australian community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in Australia, or along particular parts of our coast

  • Reef Life Survey

    Aims to improve biodiversity conservation and the sustainable management of marine resources by coordinating surveys of rocky and coral reefs

  • Witness King Tides

    A fun community photography project that helps visualise the potential future impacts of sea level rise

  • Explore the Seafloor

    An online project to help with identifying kelp and sea urchins in images of the seafloor

  • ClimateWatch

    A national program to better understand how climate change is affecting our wildlife

  • ReefWatch

    Gather, collate and disseminate quality information on the status of our marine environment

  • Coastal Walkabout

    Allows local communities to gather scientific observations within the coastal, estuarine and near

  • Spot a shark

    Catalogues photos of grey nurse sharks to help estimate populations along the east coast

  • Project Manta

    Catalogues east Australian manta rays using photos of manta ray bellies, video recordings and details of sightings

  • WaterWatch

    A community water quality monitoring network